National Park Service Approves AFNHA Management Plan

The National Park Service has approved the Management Plan for the Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area (AFNHA) on August 28, 2023. Completing over three years of outreach and a year of review, the Management Plan will guide AFNHA activities moving forward as a National Heritage Area, based on five main goals. Approval of the plan makes AFNHA eligible for increased federal matching funding.

According to the approval letter signed by National Park Service Director Charles Sams: “The Appalachian Forest Heritage Area Inc. developed a plan that promotes the continued appreciation and protection of the natural, historic, and cultural resources associated with the National Heritage Area, a place important to our nation’s history and heritage. We commend you for completing this well-conceived plan and for involving the interested Tribes, citizens, and organizations from 16 counties in West Virginia and two counties in Maryland. …This nationally distinctive landscape, which contains some of our nation’s most important natural and cultural resources, deserves continued respect and protection.”

Following Congressional designation as a National Heritage Area in 2019, AFNHA worked with Point Heritage Development Consulting through the planning process. We solicited feedback from task group participants, partners, the public, and National Park Service, and incorporated their comments into the draft plan The review draft management plan was released for public input on June 24, 2022. Public review included an in-person workshop, a virtual information and feedback session, and distribution of the plan digitally and in print at public libraries, all publicized by press releases and social media. The submitted plan includes 47 letters of support or comment from federal, state, and local government representatives and organizations, educational partners, tourism entities, and other natural resource, cultural, heritage, and community-based organizations. The plan was finalized and submitted to the National Park Service for approval on August 16, 2022.

Now we move forward to accomplish the ambitious goals of the plan -- to conserve and enhance our area's assets, to share our stories, to build sustainable tourism, to strengthen our partnership network, and to sustain the coordinating organization, AFHA Inc. As we accomplish multiple projects within these goals, we look to partners and supporters to help with their participation and resources.

National Heritage Area funding will help us towards many of these goals, but all of that federal money has to be matched. Your support now will help to draw down federal dollars, accomplish concrete projects, and to implement the AFNHA Management Plan. Please consider making a gift at

AFNHA to Conduct Recreation Survey on Monongahela National Forest

AFNHA to Conduct Recreation Survey on Monongahela National Forest

Visitors to Monongahela National Forest may have the opportunity to participate in the National Visitor Use Monitoring survey, which will be conducted from Oct. 1, 2023, to Sept. 30, 2024. This official survey is conducted on each national forest every five years. The last survey for Monongahela National Forest was done in Fiscal Year 2019. The survey will be carried out by Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area employees at both developed and dispersed recreation sites and along Forest Service Roads.

Resources for Women's History Month

Resources for Women's History Month

We at AFNHA wanted to share with you some resources that speak to the history of women in the AFNHA region. These resources in no way speak to any political leanings, and they do not advocate for any political organization. They are simply listed to promote learning and growth about our heritage, history, and culture in the AFNHA region. We have updated a few resources for 2023, and hope you find them most helpful.

Congress Passes Landmark Legislation to Ensure Long-Term Stability for America’s National Heritage Areas

In one of the last acts in the 117th Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the National Heritage Area Act (S. 1942) by a bi-partisan vote of 326-95. Days earlier, the Senate passed the same bill without opposition. President Biden signed the legislation on January, 5th.

The National Heritage Area Act creates standard criteria for the funding, management, and designation of National Heritage Areas across the country and provides them an annual authorization of up to $1 million per year for the next 15 years.

Highlands Creative Economy Helps Connect Communities

Highlands Creative Economy Helps Connect Communities

The Highlands Creative Economy Council meets virtually once a month to network about tourism development. This open forum gives county tourism leaders and local businesses a chance to discuss successes, issues, and solutions, and to engage with guest speakers. This initiative has sponsored our monthly online meetings, dozens of free workshops and training, a pilot grant program, and the return of our annual Tourism Summit.

Resources for Black History Month, relaunch!

Resources for Black History Month, relaunch!

We at AFNHA wanted to share with you some resources that speak more to the history of black Americans, not only in the AFNHA but in the Appalachian region as a whole. These resources in no way speak to any political leanings, and they do not advocate for any political organization. They are simply listed to promote learning and growth about our heritage, history, and culture in the Appalachian region, of which AFNHA is a part of.