AFNHA AmeriCorps Members Support Local Organizations

AFNHA Conservation Programs Manager Josh Wanstreet and AmeriCorps Member Geneva Brown presented a check to Augusta Heritage Center staff Emily Miller and Seth Young.

AmeriCorps members serving with Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area (AFNHA) recently presented a donation to the Augusta Heritage Center to support their scholarship fund. AmeriCorps members raised funds for this project by organizing a square dance that was held at Big Timber Brewing on February 7th. This was one of several organizations supported by AFNHA AmeriCorps members through their annual community service projects.

The event organizers chose to host a square dance as a fundraiser to celebrate a local Appalachian tradition and increase access to local arts, according to AFNHA AmeriCorps member Geneva Brown: “As a West Virginian transplant, I have enjoyed finding ways to learn about and celebrate Appalachian culture, square dances, in particular, have offered me a wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in this vibrant tradition. The Augusta Heritage Center is a cornerstone in the Elkin's community, from musical events and classes to their summer sessions and foodways classes. It made sense for us to fundraise to better support their scholarship fund so everyone has an opportunity to experience Augusta, regardless of their financial situation.” The event also featured a raffle of items donated by local businesses.

Other organizations that benefited from recent service projects organized by AFNHA AmeriCorps members include Webster Springs Public Library, Philippi Public Library, Randolph County Humane Society, and Blackwater Ministerial Food Pantry. Every year AmeriCorps members throughout the country engage in community service projects in conjunction with the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service.

In January, Madeline Ricks organized a performance and panel discussion at Old Brick Playhouse. “I had the privilege of moderating a discussion with Sparky Rucker, a prominent musician, civil rights activist, and labor activist, along with his partner, Rhonda Rucker, who is also an accomplished musician, activist and author! With the aid of my fellow AmeriCorps members from the Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area, I planned, marketed, organized, and moderated this event with the help of my site, The Augusta Heritage Center. It was an amazing experience to listen to Sparky's life stories and how music has been used in Appalachian activism in his lifetime,” Ricks stated.

According to the AmeriCorps website, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day is a federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King and improve their communities. AmeriCorps has been charged with leading this effort for 30 years.