Morgan County

Paw Paw and its Apple Orchard Industry

Paw Paw and its Apple Orchard Industry

By 1910 there were more than 150 orchards in Morgan and Hampshire counties. A 1919 census of orchards by the WV Department of Agriculture recorded eight orchards in Paw Paw, with a crop of 105,000 bushels. In 1940, the Consolidated Orchard Company constructed a modern packing plant with a capacity of 130,000 bushels, which grew to a capacity of 200,000+ bushels by 1963. On April 16, 1948 Consolidated Orchard hosted the dedication of the B&O Railroad “Paw Paw” Pullman car. B&O chose to honor “Paw Paw” because of the town’s importance as an apple producing center, and the prominence of Henry Miller, Jr as a producer, shipper, and apple authority.