If you’re driving down Route 50 through Mineral County, blink and you might miss a curious stone structure on the side of the road. If you were a stagecoach passenger peering out from your horse-drawn carriage this L-shaped building would be a cause for celebration. In the age of horse-drawn wagons and carriages, travel was no small feat and the people who relied on Traveller’s Rest viewed the process of getting around fundamentally different from today. For them, the landscape of the Appalachian Forest could be wild and unpredictable and the journey itself was always far from mundane.
Grafton Lacy and the Hammons Family: The Multicultural Roots of Old-Time Music
West Virginia’s famed old-time folk family, the Hammons, live in both the mythologies and histories of Appalachia. Through the Hammons and their music, we gain a peek into the history of Appalachian old-time music and its diverse sources. Burl and Currence learned many of their tunes from Black folk artists like Grafton Lacy from Braxton County. Lacy is no exception; Black artists have made founding contributions in the genre. Their role often remains untold, or in the case of Lacy, is sparsely mentioned in the stories of Appalachian folk music. The origins of old-time music, ranging from West Africa to the British Isles, come alive in between the lines of the music itself, where its hidden history becomes clear.
Foundations of the Founding Fathers
The United States Constitution was drafted in 1787. While the Founding Fathers, former British subjects, rejected the British Parliament's model with its House of Lords and Commons, they were not entirely without inspiration. European governments offered little guidance for democracy at the time. However, existing models closer to home provided valuable insights. There are clear parallels between the Constitution and indigenous systems like the Great Law of Peace.
Creating Culture in Thomas
Many towns in West Virginia experienced lightning-fast growth as they became a part of a network of railroads. These towns usually had abundant resources like coal or timber that provided jobs for the towns’ residents. Many towns were built by companies– employees of coal companies would live in houses owned by the company they worked for. However, this was not always the case. One town that was built by residents instead of a coal company is Thomas, West Virginia.
Winter Traditions in the Appalachian Forest
Remembering West Virginia's Indigenous History
Many contemporary people believe West Virginia was nothing more than a hunting ground for the migratory Native Peoples. People without names, without connection. Yet, in my own survey, I am continuously reminded that West Virginia was home to many Indigenous communities, and these connections were held tight by long-term settlements. We see this by the traces they left behind, such as pottery, copper, shell, luxury items, burial sites, and old-growth trees. Many of the sites that archaeologists research are my direct ancestors, and the ancestors of existing descendant communities throughout the Eastern United States.
A Timeless Road to Freedom—Cumberland and Emmanuel Parish
Situated at the top of the hill in the center of Cumberland, Emmanuel Parish stands for all to see. Visitors are drawn to the church on the hill with the steeple. Once inside, Emmanuel tells the story of our country from its earliest times to today. Situated at the crossroads of Native American trails and natural waterways, Cumberland and Emmanuel were known roads of freedom. It is believed that the original foundations underneath the church were used as a stop on the Underground Railroad.